December 21, 2021


minutes to read

How to put your brand front and centre of your webinar

How to put your brand front and centre of your webinar

Brand awareness is the most important goal for 89% of B2B marketers. There’s a bunch of fundamentals to including brand awareness into all your marketing communications - and your webinars should be no different! 

Integrating your logo, messaging, and all your brand visuals into the pre, during and post webinar content and the entire visual setup being in your brand is the best way to fully maximise webinars as a marketing tool. Not only that, but some of the best ways to increase brand awareness also happen to be great ways to increase attendee engagement.

In this article, we’ll be sharing some creative ways to weave your brand into your webinar and by the time you’ve drunk your tea and finished the article, you’ll be armed with 6 ways to increase your brand awareness.

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Creative branding during your webinar

Engagement is key, but it’s important to remember that engagement is going to look different for every webinar and won’t necessarily be super obvious! It’s up to the purpose of your webinar to determine what good audience engagement looks like to you. 

So. Without further adieu, Let's get into fun ways to increase brand awareness during your event. 

1. Live sketches 

One really cool way to add a personal touch to webinars and working your brand into your webinar is to hire a company to create live sketches of your webinar’s content. 

They can translate the awesome content you create into bitesize, fun takeaways to really summarise and simplify the output of your webinars - all done in your brand colours! Your attendees get an informative and visual way to remember your event and your team will have a bunch of unique, informative content to use in so many different ways. 

Plus, with a cool experience like this, it's very possible participants will share the drawing on social media, and thus boost your brand awareness even more across channels. 

2. Branded merch

Brandability doesn’t just need to be in the virtual space!

Why not look at leaving attendees with a memorable experience and a piece of merch! From sending attendees something in the mail (because who doesn’t love getting a package these days?) to virtual gifts and surprises, there’s always fun interactive tweaks you could make to give your webinars a bit of an edge.

Why not have a brainstorm with your team and see what you can come up with to help your webinar truly stand out and elevate your attendee experience, all while putting your brand front and centre as an industry leader. 

Branded merch, when used thoughtfully, can be a great way to make your webinar an unforgettable experience, increase value and create long-term brand awareness - but be sure to be smart with it and use it relevantly! You don’t want to spam people after all. 

3. A branded virtual space

While webinar tech these days is so advanced from what we had even just a couple of years ago, the opportunities for your brand to be truly present and not get lost in a faceless platform is pretty minimal. When you choose a platform that celebrates your brand and allows you to create experiences for your attendees that ensures your brand is connected to your content, you massively increase brand awareness efforts.

Your marketing activities and toolbox are full of initiatives where it would be unthinkable to not include your brand, and yet webinars don’t get the same TLC.

With brand consistency contributing to a 23% increase in revenue, you (literally) can’t afford to let it slip!

Creative brand awareness post-webinar

One hugely beneficial characteristic of webinars is the variety of content that comes from the and the potential content you can create based on the expert insights that’s delivered by your speakers. 

B2B marketers agree that they have gotten some of the best content marketing results from webinars, virtual events and online courses. Content marketing is a great way to grow brand awareness after the webinar and increase ROI. 

With that in mind, here are some creative ways to maximise your post-webinar content marketing for brand awareness. 

4. Blogs and articles

Getting articles on your website via articles and a blog is an incredible tool for marketers and they can bring in a ton of traffic! In fact, websites with blogs have 97% more inbound links than those that don’t. 

With webinars lending themselves to easily create customised video, imagery, and written content, they’re a great way to maximise content creation and bring a new avenue of brand awareness. Examples of content include snippets of live video, infographics based on insights and conversations as well as attendee responses to polls and Q&As during the webinar, all of which could be expanded upon in an article. 

And since all the content is custom, brands have full creative control.

Blogs are an especially great way to increase brand awareness since 70% of people would rather learn about a company through articles than through advertising. So go create!

5. Infographics 

Utilising your webinar content through infographics and insight led visuals is a great way to maximise the great output from the speakers and their content. Not only does it ensure your attendees have bitesize, manageable chunks of information and content they can take away from your webinar, but your team will have content for a number of channels to use over and over. 

Surveys and polls are already a fun way to engage during the webinar, and with the addition of a post-webinar, personalised data visualisation of the data collected from these surveys, you can continue to engage with attendees long after the event. It gives participants fun insights into the people they are joining the webinar with and brings a zoomed-out view of the event. 

Plus it’s yet another opportunity for you to showcase your brand in your comms! When executed with branded colours, logos and messaging, it creates a unique piece of media that can be posted on social media by your business and attendees. 

6. Podcasts

While social media is a great way to get clicks and website traffic based on imagery or video, what if you reached consumers through an entirely different media experience? This is where podcasts shine, they get your brand straight into the head of consumers - and with almost 60% of US consumers listening to podcasts that's a lot of heads.

Podcast content can come expanding on specific topics from your webinar or by reformatting the content from the webinar itself into a podcast. This unique way of increasing brand awareness is an awesome way to reach a broader audience of media consumers. 

Of course, podcasts aren’t for everyone and every topic. But, if your webinar provides content that would suit this format (and you’ve got the resource to do it right), we say give it a try! 

With a fully brandable webinar platform that’s designed with your marketing efforts and goals in mind, at Tame we’re ready to help you elevate your webinars to the next level and really drive results.

Drop us a line if you fancy a chat about how your webinars could be delivering you even more value - we’d love to hear from you!



  1. Content Marketing Institue: “Manufacturing B2B Manufacturing Content Marketing: 2015 Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends- North America
  2. Markletic: “Your Guide To Virtual Event Gift Bags + Examples (2021)
  3. Markletic: “60 Incredible Virtual Event Statistics! (2021 Research)
  4. Content Marketing Institue: “11th Annual B2B Content Marketing Bechmarks, Budgets, and Trends
  5. Marketpath: “Why Blog? Statistics Show the Benefits
  6. Demand Metric: “A Guide To Marketing Genius: Content Marketing” 
  7. Statista: “Percentage of consumers who have ever listened to audio podcasts in the United States from 2006 to 2021
  8. Small Biz Genius: “50+ Eye-Opening Branding Statistics - 2021 Edition
The Tame Team

The Tame Team

The webinar platform built for lead generation

With a team brimming with experience and top tips, we're here to support you throughout your webinar journey!


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