November 1, 2021


minutes to read

The importance of branding your webinars

The importance of branding your webinars

Organising a webinar is no small task, but once you’ve got your setup nailed, it’s relatively easy to have a consistent stream of webinars delivering awesome content for your company. Not only that, but with great branding and maximising the value they can deliver, webinars can offer you a serious return and money in the bank!

Webinars are an amazing tool for any marketing tool box, making communicating with employees, partners, customers and potential leads easy and effective. They have the power to bring in high ROI by nurturing and growing qualified and potential leads and creating actual revenue.

But before you can get to that point, there’s a whole lot to organise. From the people, tech, logistics and content, there’s no denying the scale of the task at hand for what might seem like a simple marketing activity to the outside, unknowing eye.

With all that in mind, you also want your webinar to work as hard for your marketing efforts as possible and putting your brand front and centre should be a key focus for this. Webinars can often be the area of your marketing toolkit where your brand falls out of focus with platforms often not being equipped to show off that brand you work so hard on.

However, this is definitely not how it should be! With a strong brand being known to drive revenue, you literally can’t afford to not show if off, be consistent and have all your marketing activities support brand strength. Your webinars need to create a lasting impression and support your brand association efforts with your attendees.

That’s why, in this article, we’ll be running through just how powerful it can be to brand your webinar across every touchpoint your attendees cover.

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The importance of your brand

One of the strongest ways you can be sure attendees leave your webinar with a sense of connection and recognisability to your brand is to make every touchpoint of the webinar personalised to your business. By showcasing brand assets within your webinar and communications means creating a deeper understanding of your brand, one that creates a lasting relationship with attendees.

The ability for brands to customise their webinars is essential to driving more brand awareness before, during and after a webinar. It’s an undervalued but essential feature of virtual experience platforms as we continue to move into a digital era.

Your business puts so many resources into building a brand, it’s madness to let it be sidelined in what should be such a key part of your marketing toolkit. Your webinars provide such a powerful space for your business and brand to really shine. Don’t waste it!”

So what’s the reason we’re so passionate about your brand being front and centre across all your marketing efforts? Well, it's been shown that consistently showcasing your brand across all your communications can increase revenue by up to 23%. If that’s not a selling factor, we’re not sure what is!

Increasing brand awareness

So why are webinars events especially good for branding and building a customer base?

The virtual space for sharing information and content opens up a whole new way to widen the customer base. This makes personalised branding for webinar platforms crucial; after all it's not just about reaching new consumers, it's about leaving a lasting impression on them both of content and your brand. 

Not only that, but it takes 5 to 7 impressions for people to remember a brand. So the easy access and opportunities that come with such an accessible marketing tool as webinars mean leading with your brand is extremely valuable and essential.

Customisation to your audience and brand is a hugely beneficial component of webinars. Customised content makes 82% of consumers feel more positive about a brand, and 61% of customers are more likely to buy from companies that deliver unique content. This all supports the (let’s face it, already compelling) argument that investing in brand awareness pays back time and time again. 

Get creative with brand customisation

Customisation comes in many forms. When it comes to webinars, it's all in the ability to control the look, feel, access, and content of your platform.

Your webinar has a number of touchpoints for your audience outside of the actual live webinar itself when the cameras are rolling. From your promotion across your channels, to the landing page where your attendees can sign up, to the welcome page and of course the entire webinar ecosystem itself, customising these features can make all the difference in leaving an impression on your attendees and increasing brand awareness. Landing pages have the highest conversion rate, so the opportunity to customise and brand this is such a great bonus.

By putting your brand at the heart of your webinar communications, and tying your brand directly into attendee engagement, will ensure their entire experience is delivered through interacting with your brand. And they’ll be much more likely to recall who hosted a webinar when it’s wrapped in a brand! 

Plus, with 50% of your audience downloading the presentation slides from your webinar, this is a trick not to miss! Make sure you include the valuable content from the webinar, but take care with making sure your slides are branded to really have as much brand presence as possible.

Regular exposure

With the right platform, webinars lend themselves to being a frequent type of content you can have in your marketing toolbox. With a well designed platform where you can set up your webinar in just a short time, webinars are a perfect way to showcase your brand to your audience in an engaging, interactive way.

Bland webinars should be a thing of the past and your brand should always take a spotlight. Ultimately, there’s no instance where your marketing efforts should not feature your brand. Otherwise, who’s going to know it’s you communicating! 

Webinars are no different, and with 54% of B2B professionals watching webinars every week, that’s a pretty big opportunity to regularly get the face of your company out their and show off your brand. Brand awareness is vital and with brand consistency meaning money in the bank, we’d say it’s a bit of a no brainer.


If you hadn’t already guessed, our platform here at Tame has been designed with your brand and revenue driving in mind.

We believe webinars can drive huge commercial gain for your business and are where marketing teams are losing the chance to show off their brand. Drop us a line if you fancy a chat about how your webinars could be delivering you even more value - we’d love to hear from you!


  1. Smallbizgenius: “50+ Eye-Opening Branding Statistics - 2021 Edition” 
  2. A Demand Metric Benchmark Report October 2016: “The impact of Brand Consistency” 
  3. AnyRoad: “The State of Virtual Events 2021” 
  4. Hub Spot: “The Ultimate List of Marketing Statistics for 2021” 
  5. Findstack: “The Ultimate List of Webinar Statistics for 2022”

The Tame Team

The Tame Team

The webinar platform built for lead generation

With a team brimming with experience and top tips, we're here to support you throughout your webinar journey!


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