All our subscription plans are risk-free.
If you are unhappy with your paid subscription plan, please contact us to request a refund on
1. Yearly subscription plan purchase is eligible for a full refund within 30 days of purchase.
2. Monthly subscription plan purchase is eligible for a full refund within 5 days of purchase
Unfortunately, any clients requesting a refund beyond the specified period will not be refunded. So, after the above mentioned days of purchase pass, no refunds will be issued.
Furthermore, refunds on add-ons are not possible.
Tame is committed to the success of our customers, but through experience, we have found that users have varying requirements, capabilities, and limitations with regard to the types of devices and software they can use, the way their local network is configured, the speed of their internet connection, etc. These issues will certainly impact a customer’s ability to use Tame as it is intended.
Tame does not offer prorated refunds for canceled subscriptions plans.
- All subscriptions plan are recurring and will automatically renew after the end of each paid subscription period.
- This includes both month-to-month and annual plans.
Tame also offers a Monthly Subscription Plan, which allows customers to upgrade, downgrade, and cancel at any time without penalty.
- We recommend this option for those customers that don’t have full certainty or control over their technology environment.
Tame also offers an Annual Subscription Plan at a significant discount.
- We recommend this plan for customers who are certain that Tame is compatible with their technology environment.
- It is the Clients responsibility to evaluate Tame, including its features, limitations, and system requirements before selecting the Annual Plan.
- If you are not certain that Tame is a fit for your use case and environment, then you should not choose the Annual Plan.
- Tame will not issue refunds to Annual Plan customers on the basis of customers not understanding the system requirements, or the presence of compatibility issues, including inadequate internet speed or consistency, or incompatible devices, operating systems, or browser software versions
If you choose the Annual Plan, you are entering into a one-year subscription contract that expires 12 months after you sign up.
- You are responsible for paying for the entire subscription up front.
- If you decide to cancel before the term of your subscription term is up, then you will still be billed for the remaining months on your subscription, and will still have access to its benefits until it expires.
Similarly, it is your responsibility to evaluate Tame, including its features, limitations, and system requirements before selecting any Paid Plan.
- Tame will not issue refunds to customers after the days of purchase in the refund policy on the basis of customers not understanding the system requirements, or the presence of compatibility issues, including inadequate internet speed or consistency, or incompatible devices, operating systems, or browser software versions.
- System incompatibility based on system requirements should be tested within the first 5 days of contract signing.
- Before paying for the Tame’s services, we would recommend scheduling a 1-day free trial with Tame’s Support Team to make sure that our service meets your needs and expectations.
For more information, please check our Terms of Service available.