November 29, 2021


minutes to read

How to get the most out of your webinar content

How to get the most out of your webinar content

Webinars are a powerful tool for your company’s brand awareness and lead generation efforts, but that’s by no means all they offer!

Along with the effectiveness of webinars for your brand, there’s so much you can get with your content once the webinar is finished. That’s why, in this article, we’ll be taking you through just how to make sure your content is used to its full potential to support your brand efforts.

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With all the content and conversations that can occur within a webinar, they create amazing opportunities for a huge range of content creation. As it happens, one study found that B2B marketers think virtual events, webinars and online courses made some of the best overall content marketing results for their organisation. 

While there’s so many ways to get creative with the content that can come from your webinar, we’ve pulled together a high level overview of what could come out of your webinars:

  • video & snippets of the content
  • imagery & visuals
  • infographics
  • quotes
  • articles 
  • ebooks & guides

Quite the variety, right? So now you’re armed with knowing the breadth of content you could create post-webinar, let’s take a look at three ways this content can increase brand awareness as well as brand loyalty and equity.

Your content highlights the quality of your brand and expertise.

Webinars are so valuable for increasing the exposure and brand awareness of your business and they organically create content. Videos, images, speeches, panel discussions and attendee dialogue can all be used in different forms of digital content.

Customisable content is an especially valuable tool for consumers, with one report showing that 90% of them find it “useful,” while another 80% feel appreciative of the opportunity to learn about a company through its custom content. So how do you meet consumers’ demand for customisable content? 

One of the most popular and valuable ways to use content marketing is through written content, like your company blog and articles. In fact, 59% of B2B marketers see the most valuable channel as blogs, which makes sense when you know that 76% of B2B marketers get leads through their writing efforts on blogs. 

One pretty compelling reason for why this is the case is because 70% of people would rather learn about a company through articles rather than advertising. So with written content created from the output of your webinar, you’re onto a winner. 

Article and blog content increases web presence and web traffic through SEO, meaning you’re able to draw more customers to a business webpage - proven by the fact that websites with such pages have 434% more indexed web pages than those that don't. That's fancy talk for saying that Google will scan your website page and suggest it for relevant searches. This is most likely why websites with blogs have 97% more inbound links than those that don’t. 

Plus, good SEO means more exposure of your website, ultimately contributing to increase in brand awareness through more exposure to potential customers and your target audience. Nice.

Webinars are especially good for these purposes because along with talking points, they can also produce visual content with static images of the webinar or infographics created from the content in the webinar - and blog posts with images get 94% more total views. Furthermore, since all the content was created organically blogs can use original images (rather than stock photos) - which can result in a 35% increase in conversions. 

Not convinced? Let’s just say that marketers who prioritise blogs are 13x more likely to see positive ROI. 

Bonus use! You can store all the good content in a resources library that you share with your attendees, even further increasing the value of attending your webinar. 

It creates relevant, personalised marketing material. 

You can use the content from your webinars to make sure people are aware of your product and your brand by sharing it across multiple platforms. There’s a huge amount of potential routes to go down with your content, so marketing teams can use content from webinars as a way to market not only your products/services but also upcoming webinars and events.

Why not get creative with the way in which you use the content from your webinars? From having a sketch artist attend who can translate the discussion points into visual takeaways to post-webinar editing to create video snippets, the content needn’t be limited to what seems obvious. 

Such creative ways to utilise the content helps your brand be distinctive and stand out from the crowd - and ultimately, that’s what increasing brand awareness is all about! 

Use the content your webinar provides across your comms: from your social channels to your website, the uniqueness of the material you can get from your webinar is something vital to make your brand stand out.

Finally, with 50% of your audience downloading the presentation slides from your webinar, this is a trick not to miss! Make sure you include super valuable content and that your slides are branded to really have as much exposure as possible.

It offers long form, long term, content creation.

While there’s a great deal of immediate use for so much of the content that comes from your webinar, often taking the shape of (for the end viewer, at least) the short, snappy stuff, there’s a huge amount of long form, high-quality content that can come. 

The creation of ebooks, white papers, metrics, or long form educational articles can position your brand as an expert in the field and by doing so, you can grow brand reputation, loyalty and association.

In fact, 71% of B2B buyers use white papers to research their purchases. So by giving in-depth information and creating actionable solutions to real pain points and problems, brands can secure trust (and potentially business!) from their audience. Even more importantly, they can associate their brand as a leader in their industry.

By producing high-quality resources and becoming a thought leader within your industry, the product or service you sell can become directly associated with this level of insights and expertise that will build your brand’s reputation.

An added bonus about creating content from webinars is that, since they are visual experiences, you can easily transition into multi-media long-form content. 

For example, your company can create a video series of expert insight by reusing presentations on their video channel or maybe even start a podcast to push the content through a different medium entirely? 

On the note of podcasts, they can be really valuable for content marketing, and according to one study, 64% of B2B marketers preferred podcasts as their early-stage content funnel. Of course, this requires that you get permission from speakers and invest more time in content production, but, when done in the right way, this can be a long term investment in growing your brand's influence in your market and broadening your brand awareness efforts.

With all these ways to maximise the content from your webinars and grow your brand, it's important people can easily recognise your brand so be sure to have consistent branding across your communications (plus, it has been shown to actually increase revenue, so win win).


Ultimately, the content that can come from your webinars should be an integral part of your broader marketing strategy and content creation. You can discover what resonates with your audience through data and insights and lean into this information and create content that you know will be of interest to your audience. 

It might take some testing and learning, but that’s the joy of webinars! They’re so flexible in what they can offer you and are easy to weave into the fabric of your marketing activity. 

Have a go and if you’re still sceptical, we reckon you’ll be pleasantly surprised about the impact they can have on your business when used optimally. Got some questions? We’re here to help, so drop the team a line and we’ll do our best to lend a hand. 



  1. Content Marketing Institute: “11th Annual B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends
  2. Demand Metric: “A Guide To Marketing Genius: Content Marketing
  3. Forbes: “Why You Can't Afford To Ignore Blogging As Part Of Your Online Strategy
  4. Marketpath: ”Why Blog? Statistics Show the Benefits
  5. B2B Marketing: “RESEARCH NEWS: Articles with images get 94% more views than those without
  6. marketing experiments: “This Just Tested: Stock images or real people?
  7. Hubspot: “31 Business Blogging Stats You Need to Know in 2021
  8. Demand Gen: “Blogs, Podcasts Gain Interest As B2B Buyers Look To For Credible Content That Proves Value
  9. Findstack: “The Ultimate List of Webinar Statistics for 2022
The Tame Team

The Tame Team

The webinar platform built for lead generation

With a team brimming with experience and top tips, we're here to support you throughout your webinar journey!


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